Dear friends,
At the start of the pandemic in March of 2020, when we were all sheltering in place and learning new terms like “social distancing,” the actor Leslie Jordan released a video that struck a chord with a lot of people. In it, he is lying in his bed, and he asks, “How is it still March?!” I felt something similar in looking at the calendar this week, how is it already July?! Did June even happen?!
It is upon this realization that my anxiety goes up. Time truly is relative, and not just in the Einsteinian (I don’t think that is a word, but I’m going to go with it anyway) way, but in a real-life kind of way. I begin to think about all the forms I need to fill out. Things I need to sign up for. Plans that a few months ago seemed like ages ago now feel like they are on top of me, and I haven’t done enough to prepare.
Today also marks my first full year at Embry Hills. Someone commented the other day that it feels like I’ve been here a lot longer, but in a good way! I agree. I have felt that way as the church has welcomed me and my family not only in expected ways but also in new ideas and new adventures. I think a lot of this has to do with the openness of the congregation. I did not have to take a lot of time to establish trust, because you all were so generous to us. This means we could do a lot of things right away; like move back into the sanctuary, start Sunday school again, and carry out and complete a capital funds campaign! I have loved getting to know all of you, and it shows the saying is true, “time flies when you are having fun.” I pray we keep having fun together, even in the hard work, because I believe Embry Hills is making a true community impact, and I’m having fun on the ride.