The Embry Hills UMC congregation supports a variety of non-profits through volunteering, budgetary giving, above-and-beyond donations, and special events. Here are a few that take place annually:
Snax Sax for Kids
This home-grown ministry, established in 2008, packs weekend snack bags each week during the school year for 360 food-insecure school children from Northlake/Tucker/Decatur Title I elementary schools. We are proud to be a Partner Agency of the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
Volunteer opportunities for everyone:
2022-23 School year
Wednesdays are for packing healthy snacks - sign up here.
Thursdays are for delivering to our 5 elementary schools - sign up here.
NETWorks Cooperative Ministry
We are proud to be a partner congregation by acting as a donation drop off location, volunteering, board participation, and more for an organization that provides “food and financial assistance to residents of Northlake-Embry Hills-Tucker” and seeks to “partner with them to find long term solutions to poverty.” Click here for more information: NETWorks
American Red Cross
Embry Hills has hosted blood drives on our campus 6 times a year since 2012.
To find the next one, visit and use sponsor code 'embryhills'
Advent Giving Trees
A long-time Advent season tradition at Embry Hills UMC, this service project offers a simple way to reach out to people in our local community.
Being a connectional denomination means that United Methodist congregations can serve and give more together than individually. For more information on some of our favorite good works, we suggest these ministries:
Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church
“Connecting the church in mission.”
Trinity Community Ministries
“With the help of thousands of volunteers, dozens of churches, corporate supporters, and other collaborative organizations throughout Atlanta, Trinity Community Ministries provides essential tools and necessary support to promote sustainable independence among men who were homeless and often struggling with addiction or other disabilities.”
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
“As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, UMCOR strengthens and transforms people and communities” through three major areas: Humanitarian Relief / Disaster Response, Sustainable Development, Global Health (in collaboration with Global Ministries).
Wellroot Family Services
“Mission: We restore children and families from trauma through Jesus Christ.”