Dear friends,
During my orientation at Candler School of Theology, we had a worship service. Dr. Teresa Fry Brown was the preacher, and I don’t remember all of the content of her sermon, but I remember her distinctly saying over and over again, “in the meantime.” She was talking about living in the transitions. We were all there as first year seminarians, not-yet ministers. We were in the meantime, and there was good work to do in the meantime. She told us to take our time in the meantime.
I and my family have been living in the meantime for a few months. Ready to start at Embry Hills, transitioning jobs and schools, and moving houses. My daughter, Elizabeth, told me the other day, I don’t like living in between, I’m ready just to be there! I understand that feeling. But we do not need to rush through the meantime. There is good, important work to do there so that when we get to the other side, we will have grown as much as we needed to so that we will be ready.
I know many of you are also in the meantime. I’m here to walk with you through it as you have been with me and my family. Let’s listen to what God is saying to us in the meantime and not just in our goodbyes and hellos.