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What to Expect for
EHUMC's In-Person Worship


Registration for worship is capped at 70 and necessary to maintain social distancing between worshippers and for contact tracing. You can register by clicking the button above, emailing the office at, or by calling (770) 938-0661. **Registration closes at noon on the Friday prior to worship to allow time for accurate setup.**

Need to cancel? Email ASAP so your reservation can be opened for others to attend.



Masks are required (inside and outside) at all times for ages 5+; children ages 3-5 are strongly encouraged to wear masks.



You will be able to access the building via the Education Wing lobby/port cochere. Other doors to the building will be locked to ensure that everyone worshipping in the Family Life Center has been checked in.


  • Chairs will be spaced for social distancing. Families and individuals in different “bubbles” must maintain at least 6 feet of distance from one another.

  • While difficult, we ask that attendees refrain from hugging, handshakes, holding the door for the person behind you, etc.

  • Tithes and offerings may be placed in the dropbox at the entry to the FLC.

  • There will be no congregational singing during worship.

  • At the end of the service, please remain socially distant as you depart, remembering to exit through the Education Wing.

  • At this time, the nursery remains closed.


All attendees MUST complete COVID screening & temperature check at check-in to confirm that in the last 14 days, they have no COVID symptoms (see below), are not awaiting a COVID-19 test result, and have not been in contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive patients.

If you think you may have COVID, know you’ve been exposed to someone who has COVID in the last 10-14 days, yourself tested positive for COVID within 2 weeks, or are not feeling well, please stay home. Please review the symptoms of COVID below if you have any questions:

  • Cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing

  • Fever of chills (fever of 100.4 or more)

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • If you always have a cough or aches, then you are looking for a new worsening of those symptoms!


What if I was exposed to COVID-19?

If you KNOW someone was diagnosed with COVID-19 and BOTH of the below are true:

  1. You were with that person 2 days BEFORE their symptom onset (and/or two days before their positive test), and BEFORE they met the criteria to leave isolation

  2. AND you were within 6 feet of that person for a total of 15 minutes or more


If BOTH are true, the CDC considers you as "exposed to COVID-19. Stay home and "quarantine" until you meet the criteria to stop quarantine.

If I was exposed, when can I stop quarantine?

  1. If you have a negative test 5 days after exposure, you can stop quarantine 7 days after exposure

  2. If you have no symptoms of COVID 10 days after the exposure, you may leave quarantine the next day (day 11)

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